
Hello and welcome to N9nnas.dk

This website and webshop is a work in progress, go explore it and don´t forget to check back again, to see any new additions.

november 10 2019 added two tutorials and added more description to my book (in shop)

december 31 2019 added US$ and EURO prices in descriptions and lowered some prices

january 3 2020 moved US$ and EURO prices up top in descriptions and added fb link

january 12 2020 added **CHARITY HEARTS** to items

may 1 2020 entire website and -shop has been checked and updated

june 21 2020 added Oracle Cards and changed price on Gratitude and Happiness Journal

july 27 2020 webshop updated/minor changes in descriptions

september 26 2020 webshop updated/earrings and bookmarks added

april 9 2021 webshop updated

My name is Ninna.

I have been creating stuff my entire life and have been wanting a webshop for a few years.

Now is the time!

So I bought this domain and my business could officially set sail.

I hope that you will like my products.

I have already shipped custom made cards to Canada and Australia and ornaments, journals and oracle cards to USA, UK, South Africa, Sweden and Canada, among others.

I love that ´my stuff´ is enjoyed all over the world.